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Join Team #BattlestarTackle


Here are two good reasons to join team #battlestartackle

1. To have fun.

2. To earn store credit at so you can score free Battlestar Products.

As an official member of team #battlestartackle, we will issue you a custom 10% coupon code which you can add to all of your social media posts and stories in the future. Your followers can use your coupon code to save 10% on all orders at Promote your coupon code. The more your code gets used, the more we reward you with free store credit which you can spend at

Capture your catches on photo or video. Even better if the bait is still in the fish's mouth! Or visible somewhere in the photo. 

Include #battlestartackle on your social media post. 

Include a short message: 10% OFF "mypromocode" 

Before you apply, please review the full Terms Of Agreement for Team #BattlestarTackle. 


- Every time your coupon code is used to place an order at which includes at least one Battlestar Tackle Product,  you will receive a credit of $1. The credit will be applied to a coupon code or digital gift card. We will send you this credit annually, bi-annally, or quarterly and then you can spend that credit on our website. 

-When you place your order to redeem the store credit, you will only be required to pay the shipping ($3.99), and you may be required to pay the sales tax. 

- Battlestar Tackle Co / California Surf Fishing (CSF) reserves the right to decline any application or suspend or deactivate any membership at any time for any reason. Please conduct your behavior respectfully. 

- As you create content, and post comments on social media, please remember to maintain an honorable character and abide by the Community Standards set by social platforms, at all times. This will help to ensure your social channels are recommended, and continue to grow. 

-These terms may change at any time. We will try and keep you informed about any changes. It is your responsibility to remain informed about any changes to these terms and abide by them at all times. 


Q: Can I also represent other brands while I am a member of Team Battlestar Tackle?

A: Of course you can. Do whatever is fun, and in your best interest! 


Q: What if I have more questions?

A: You can submit your questions by using the application form below, or contact us


*Please note that it may take a while for us to respond to your application. We are in the process of developing this program and it takes time to organize and respond to all of our applicants. We appreciate your patience. 

Thanks for requesting to join #TeamBattlestar! We'll be in touch!

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